What Does the Zodiac Sign Capricorn Mean
What Does the Zodiac Sign Capricorn Mean
Astrology can help us understand more about ourselves and the people we love/date/hopelessly crush on—no matter their gender. For more deets on Capricorn compatibility, check out our guide to dating a Capricorn woman and our gender-neutral guide to dating a Capricorn.
There are just a few basics that need to be explored when you first start dating someone. Where is he from? What does he do for a living? Oh, and most definitely, when's his birthday? This isn't just for remembering when to send that "happy b-day :)" text! Knowing a potential boo's zodiac sign can really help in understanding his behavior. Astrology helps us break down personality traits, pet peeves, and, yes, even dating patterns. It can be fun and informative to look up his sign and see how yours works with his.
If you're dating, Insta stalking (hi, guilty), or just fantasizing over a Capricorn man, we're here to help you navigate him. These sea-goats are known for being super successful, ambitious, and hardworking, but don't believe the haters—they can play as hard as they work, once you finally convince them to leave the office.
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Luckily, astrology allows us to decipher personality traits, pet peeves, and so much more. And trust me when I say, there is sooo much more to a Capricorn man than you initially realized. So if your guy was born between December 22 and January 19, you're in for a treat, but as it goes with any sign, there are some things you may want to keep an eye out for.
The Capricorn Basics
Birthday: December 22 to January 19
Modality: Cardinal
Element: Earth
Ruling planet: Saturn
Represented by: The sea-goat
Keywords: Dedicated, motivated, steadfast, stubborn, committed, ambitious, logical, practical, driven, structured, direct, hard-working, intense
Love anthem: "Perfect," by Ed Sheeran
Famous Capricorn men: Zayn Malik, Timothée Chalamet, John Legend, Bradley Cooper, Evan Peters, Liam Hemsworth, Logan Lerman, Eddie Redmayne, Denzel Washington, Ryan Seacrest, Kit Harington, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Orlando Bloom, LeBron James, Lin-Manuel Miranda
The Best Matches for a Capricorn Man
Scorpio is a fixed sign, so they already have the stability and reliability that Caps want so badly from their partner, and there's a natural compatibility between earth signs and water signs—just think of a garden! Scorpios and Caps can both be a bit intense and they go after what they want, which makes them a natural (if kinda scary) pair.
Taurus is another spectacular match for a Capricorn. They're both earth signs and they vibe well from the start, and the mutual respect these two have for each other's strong work ethic is a huge compatibility booster! Capricorn also gets along with fellow earth sign Virgo—both are known for their practical, logical worldview. Together, they can conquer the world. Since they're in the same element, they have a ton in common.
Cancer and Capricorn have an opposites-attract vibe (literally, they're opposites on the zodiac). Emotional, nurturing Cancer balances out Cap's logical vibes. While they don't have much in common as say, Cap and any of the earth signs, they balance each other out.
And of course, who's a better match for a Capricorn than another Capricorn? A double-Cap pair is a total power couple!!!
The Worst Matches for a Capricorn Man
Capricorn and Aries might find themselves butting heads—fire sign Aries is all about spontaneity, while earth sign Capricorn loves structure and stability. Together, they create a chaos vs. order situation.
Similarly, Capricorn can struggle to connect with air sign Libra. Libra is fun, flirty, and noncommittal, while Capricorn tends to be more serious and stoic. Libra is a social butterfly, while Capricorn keeps a smaller group of trusted confidants.
That said, having incompatible Sun signs doesn't mean your relationship is doomed—it just means you might have to put in a little work to really ~get~ each other. And compatibility is about so much more than your Sun sign anyway, so if your Moon signs or another part of your birth charts mesh well, you might be an astrologically blessed match anyway.
But even if your birth chart is full of Aries placements, if you make an effort to understand your Capricorn boo—and vice versa—you can have a great relationship too. And TBH, ~astrological tension~ can often lead to ~sexual tension~, so there's something to be said for "incompatibility"!
Sex with a Capricorn man
As the sign that's most closely associated with structure, Capricorn likes to play with power dynamics in the bedroom—whether that's hardcore BDSM or occasionally breaking out a blindfold. Whatever their particular ~interests~, they prob have a kinky side!
Caps have a detailed GCal and five-year plan, and yep, they plan those same organization skills to the bedroom. Whether they're planning out a detailed kink scene or just doing a ton of research before picking out which sex toy to buy, they know how to plan and research! Also, they find scheduled sex to be very hot—it gives them something to look forward to!
All about Capricorn
Capricorn is the mature, assertive daddy of the zodiac. He's a cardinal sign, meaning he's motivated, ambitious, and a great leader, but he's also an earth sign, which makes him practical, productive, and über dependable. His sign is ruled by Saturn, the slow-moving planet of responsibility and structure—so he's super serious, almost all the time! This is why he's such a natural businessman; he's goal-driven, brilliant in his field, and, like all earth signs, motivated by money. But even if he makes enough money for the both of you, he's only interested in being with someone just as hardworking as he is. Is he the most spontaneous guy around? Well, no, but his love for you is rock solid.

The Most Capricorn-y Capricorn T-Shirt in Black
In the preliminary dating stage, it takes a while for this guy to let his walls down. He easily comes off as cold and intimidating, even though he probably isn't trying to, and he's a tough nut to crack. Once he's sure you're actually into him, he makes a move. He's the earth sign most likely to approach you first, thanks to his motivated nature as a cardinal sign, but don't expect flowers and chocolates! He'll shoot you a text or just come up to you and say: "Hey, I like you." He's big on routines and schedules, so he'll probably send you a Google Calendar invite and remind you at least once before the fact. But if you flake out on your date night last-minute, good luck ever seeing him again.
He's not good with emotions—he's the opposite of Cancer, the most emotional sign—but he tries his best to be affectionate. Acts of service is his chosen love language—his earthy nature means he's only really concerned with what's tangible, so he'll never be an over-the-top romantic. Being the most business-minded sign, a lot of the help he offers you is in the form of assisting you in career or education-related matters. You could be pulling a hell of an all-nighter finishing up a presentation, but once he swoops in to help out, the whole project is finished in the blink of an eye.
If he's confident that both of you are independently crushing it, then he's happy.
When he's with you, he invests a huge amount of time and energy into your own personal development so you can find success with all your goals. One of his greatest talents as the zodiac's cardinal earth sign is being a phenomenal leader who can offer practical advice while also leading by example, which you'll definitely observe if you're around him long enough! No matter how big the job is, he's ready with a plan. He's equally as unapologetic about pushing you to achieve your best work too! If he's confident that both of you are independently crushing it, then he's happy. He wants a powerful union between two equally successful lovers, and a relationship with this guy promises to be stable and secure and have a ton of lasting value. And he loves being in a power couple!!!
However, life isn't always about constant wins, and Capricorn is seriously under a lot of pressure from trying to make it so. Impressing him takes a lot, and sometimes the only indication of his approval is a quick smile or a nod. He's also so focused on working that you might go a couple days without hearing from him—work-life balance is, uh, not a balance with him.
This is why he's such a control freak—he thinks the only way to avoid hurt or disappointment is to be in charge of everything.
Your Capricorn guy is no-nonsense and grounded, just like all earth signs. He's a pessimist, to be honest, and a lot of the time, his aloof reputation comes from the fact that his outlook is rarely bright. This is why he's such a control freak—he thinks the only way to avoid hurt or disappointment is to be in charge of everything. Don't worry about him being too possessive or controlling though. He takes respect very seriously too, and if you feel like he's stepped on your toes, just speak up about it! He's very cut-and-dried with how he approaches matters, so as long as you're the same way, it should be smooth sailing.
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He's such a hard-ass because it's in his nature, truthfully, and he has nothing but the best intentions (because he always has to be the best, remember?). His constellation, the sea-goat, is also known as the mountain goat by some, and like a mountain goat, this guy has lofty goals, aims high, and jumps higher and higher to reach success! The view is nice from up top, and he wants nothing more than to share that with you.
Follow Jake on Instagram.
Jake Register Jake Register (better known by his Instagram handle, @jakesastrology) is a Libra and the author of Cosmopolitan's weekly Sexoscopes.
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Source: https://www.cosmopolitan.com/sex-love/a25620567/capricorn-man-personality-traits/
Posted by: scherkseptan.blogspot.com