Box Art Snes Dragon Ball Z Super Saiya Densetsu
Dragon Brawl Z: Super Saiya Densetsu (ドラゴンボールZ 超 サイヤ伝 説 , Doragon Bōru Zetto Sūpā Saiya Densetsu , lit. Dragon Ball Z: Super Saiya Legend ) is a role playing video game and the first Dragon Brawl game for the Super Famicom. It was released only in Nippon on January 25, 1992.
Super Saiya Densetsu is a remake combining 2 before Famicom games of the Gokuden serial: Dragon Ball Z: Kyōshū! Saiyan and Dragon Ball Z II: Gekishin Freeza, but without the movie characters and anime filler elements that were featured in them.
- i Overview
- 1.1 Characters in the game
- 1.2 Fighting System
- 1.3 Stores and Items
- two Characters
- 2.i Playable characters
- 2.ii Bosses
- 2.3 Enemies
- 2.4 Other characters
- 3 Chapters
- iv Trivia
- 5 Gallery
- 5.ane Screeshots
- 5.2 Characters
- 5.3 Cards
- five.4 Maps
- half-dozen External links
- 7 References
- 8 Site Navigation
The game follows the crude outline of the Vegeta, Namek, and Frieza Sagas, with diverse add-ons and edits to make the story fit within the RPG guidelines, such every bit the inclusion of multi-colored Saibamen and re-colors of Frieza's henchmen and the Ginyu Forcefulness members equally common enemies.
Characters in the game
Playable characters consist of (in order): Goku, Piccolo, Gohan, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien Shinhan, Chiaotzu, Dende, two Namek Warriors (Maima and Tsumuri), Vegeta, Nail, and Captain Ginyu (through body exchange). Past using Captain Ginyu, you lot tin manage to take the torso of any character, though this returns to normal at the end of a fight.

Enemies in the game include: Blue, Orange, Green, Black, Purple/Cyan, and Gray Saibamen. Once on Namek, there are two of Frieza's henchmen (Banan and Appule), who get two colour edits as separate enemies. After they are defeated, Cui, Dodoria, Zarbon, and the Ginyu Force all go two re-colors as individual enemies that are roughly half equally stiff equally their originals.
Bosses in the game include: Raditz (Blackness Saibaman double), Raditz, Green Saibaman and Nappa, Male monarch Kai, Vegeta, Cui (can be fought before encountering Frieza for the kickoff time, or fought afterward collecting the cave Dragon Ball), Dodoria, and Zarbon in both forms. Guldo and Recoome fight as a pair besides as Jeice and Burter. Depending on which one you impale the other runs away and brings dorsum Ginyu. Frieza is fought several times, outset every bit a Black Saibaman clone. After defeating his 2d form, he runs abroad protected by Ginyu Force Recolors. Frieza is randomly encountered in his 3rd form, and during his 4th course, he can "power up" to his maximum. If the player sacrifices an marry to make Goku become Super Saiyan, and keeps Goku alive for the fight, a Super Saiyan Vegeta encounters the group for a secret final battle after the end of the credit coil.
Bulma also joins the crew for most of the game, providing a place to rest while on Earth and Namek. Chief Roshi only appears once to support the players confronting Raditz. Grand Elderberry Guru appears on Namek powering upwardly all characters in the party. In that location are a few surviving Namekians who volition talk to you and give yous data. As well at that place are 2 fairies on Namek that allow you to collect a Dragon Ball and pass into Guru's domain.
Fighting Organization

Goku firing a Kamehameha
The fighting system is based on a variety of symbols, numbers (represented by dots), and the card itself. The player has a total of 5 cards (v attacks) for most situations, randomly generated. The player can apply particular cards similar Oolong to re-exchange them, or Male monarch Yemma or Chi-Chi to max out a card's potential.
- Normal Attack Cards: White cards with a School Character (Turtle School, Demon, Kami, Alien). A character has a preference (Piccolo's preference is Demon) and that volition initiate an "assail all."
- Potent Attack Cards: Yellowish cards. Piccolo'due south preference switches to these after an optional super-fusion with Dende and Two Nameks.
- Ginyu Attack Cards: Black Cards with Ginyu Force symbol. Basically the same equally Normal Set on Cards.
- Ki Attack Cards: Blueish Cards. Each Ki Card uses ane Ki Attack or Power.
The number of stars on the top-left Dragon Brawl references the attack power (one star existence weakest, Z being strongest). There are eight ranks of forcefulness.

The graphic symbol on the bottom-right Dragon Ball icon determines its defensive power. This also has eight ranks, with a single wavy line (representing one) existence the weakest defence force, and Z being the strongest. If two attacking characters of equal power attack enemies of equal ability with cards of equal blazon and attack power, the enemy with a weak defense power will have more than impairment than 1 with a higher defence.
Set on speed is adamant by the attack ability of a menu. Strongest assail ability always goes first (unless Vegeta interrupts), followed, in descending order, by the next strongest cards. If, however, 2 or more cards have the aforementioned attack ability in a single plough, attack speed is and then based on defense ability. (Goku, Piccolo, and Tien use Z-Attack cards, but Tien has Z-Defense, while Goku and Piccolo have lower defense, so Tien goes get-go). If, though, the set on and defense of a card are BOTH equal amongst ii or more people, the character's Ability Level is used to make up one's mind attack speed.
Stores and Items

At Kame House
There are two major stores in the game. One is Baba's house, easily noticed as being dark grayness with bricks. Fortuneteller Baba volition buy/sell detail cards to a player in exchange for zeni. Baba's shop is replaced by a Namekian salesman when the story advances to Namek.
The other place is a grooming middle. Players can improve the Ki number of the grapheme past powering upwardly and destroying a rock. Also at the training center, the actor can fight waves of enemies for zeni, though by doing this they do non receive experience.
Story related items exercise non accept a zeni cost beside their film. Story items include Dragon Balls and the Dragon Radar, every bit well as cards such as Enraged Gohan, the Moon, and Vegeta.
The basic cards heal HP and Ki. Other cards can alter combat cards, and improve the ability of the grapheme by 25% or even fifty%. The Granddad Gohan menu is unique, as it stuns an opponent for several turns. Scouters tin can be purchased or won in battle as well, and depending on its strength tin prove how strong an opponent is numerically, though they tin can explode on enemies or bosses as well strong to browse.
Playable characters
- Goku (Base, Kaio-ken, Super Saiyan)
- Gohan (Base of operations, Great Ape)
- Piccolo
- Krillin
- Yamcha (Base, Unlock Potential)
- Tien Shinhan (Base, Unlock Potential)
- Chiaotzu (Base of operations, Unlock Potential)
- Vegeta
- Blast
- Maima
- Tsumuri
- Dende

Super Saiyan Vegeta charging a Galick Gun
- Faux Raditz (偽ラディッツ)
- Raditz
- Piccolo
- King Kai
- Nappa & Greenish Saibaman
- Vegeta (Base, Great Ape)
- Maima & Tsumuri (optional)
- Cui
- Dodoria
- Blast's Clone
- Zarbon (Base of operations, transformed)
- Raditz & Nappa
- Guldo & Recoome
- Jeice & Burter
- Helm Ginyu with either Jeice or Burter
- Fake Frieza (偽フリーザ)
- Frieza (1st Course, 2nd Grade, 3rd Form, Final Class, 100% Full Ability)
- Super Saiyan Vegeta (hugger-mugger boss)
- Caiwareman (カイワレマン) – Blueish Saibaman; called "J.SAI" in the English version.
- Kyuukonman (キュウコンマン) – Chocolate-brown Saibaman; called "SAIBAI" in the English version.
- Saibaiman (サイバイマン) – Greenish Saibaman, same equally those in anime; called "SAIMEN" in the English version.
- Kopīman (コピーマン) – Blackness Saibaman that tin can transform into one of the heroes; chosen "IMITE" in the English version.
- Tennenman (テンネンマン) – Blue-regal Saibaman; chosen "BAIMEN" in the English version.
- Jinkouman (ジンコウマン) – Gray Saibaman; called "GRIMEN" in the English language version.
- Appule (アプール) – Called "Slug" or "Neboto" in English versions.
- Ramon (ラモン) – A dark-green version of Appule; called "Vug" or "Muno" in English language versions.
- Orlen (オーレン) – Called "Bugy" or "Shuku" in English versions.
- Banan (バナン) – Chosen "Bun" in the English version.
- Beach (ビーチ, Bīchi) – A greenish haired version of Banan; named "Bud" or "Cuel" in English versions.
- Grep (グレップ, Gureppu) – A purple haired version of Banan; named "Bund" or "Regne" in English versions.
- Gorin (ゴリン) – A teal version of Cui; called "Cid" or "Grig" in English versions.
- Strob (ストロブ, Sutorobu) – A light-green version of Cui; called "Zoak" or "Nezio" in English versions.
- Gorman (ゴーマン, Gōman) – A teal version of Dodoria; chosen "Dren" or "Jaklu" in English language versions.
- Aprico (アプリコ, Apuriko) – A golden version of Dodoria; called "Bobo" or "Ghoko" in English versions.
- Aboga (アボガ) – A blond version of the transformed Zarbon; called "Red" or "Fepha" in English language versions.
- Mandarin (マンダリン) – A blue haired version of the transformed Zarbon; called "Yard.BLY" in the English version.
- Zella (ゼラ, Zera) – A pink version of Guldo; called "Droit" or "LU" in English versions.
- Purin (プーリン, Pūrin) – A xanthous version of Guldo; called "Hirra" in English version.
- Earth (アース, Āsu) – A pink version of Recoome; called "Recoom" in English version.
- Zofuto (ゾフト) – A teal version of Recoome; called "Snuel" in the English version.
- Marigan (マーリガン, Mārigan) – A green version of Burter; called "F.VER" or "Perro" in English versions.
- Jean (ジャン, Jan) – A gray version of Burter; called "Sasho" in the English version.
- Banira (バニーラ, Banīra) – A green haired version of Jeice; chosen "Kibbi" in the English version.
- Moose (ムース, Mūsu) – A blue haired version of Jeice; chosen "Checo" in the English version.
- Miruga (ミルガ) – A brown version of Helm Ginyu; called "GUR" or "Nanoy" in English versions.
- Rakuto (ラクト) – A golden version of Captain Ginyu; chosen "Mekrol" in the English version.
Other characters
- Primary Roshi
- Bulma
- Farmers
- Human Shopkeeper
- Fortuneteller Baba
- Puar – Gives a Puar bill of fare.
- Oolong – Gives a Namekian Frog menu in exchange for a Launch carte du jour.
- Yajirobe – Gives a Yajirobe menu in exchange for a Namekian Frog card. Can be summoned with the Yajirobe carte during battles. Yajirobe cards are proven very useful during the battle against Vegeta to revert him to his base of operations form if he turns into a Neat Ape.
- Fairy
- Namekians
- Namekian Shopkeeper
- Cargo (Called Emih in the English version)
- "Earth Assail! Raditz!" – Goal: defeat Raditz. Enemies: Kaiwaremen, Kyuukonmen.
- "Globe - Gohan's training" – Goal: defeat Piccolo.
- "Rex Kai's Planet - Goku'due south training" – Goal: Articulate the training.
- "Globe - Vegeta attacks" – Goal: defeat Vegeta. Enemies: Kaiwaremen, Kyuukonmen, Saibamen.
- "Planet Namek - Frieza appears" – Objectives: rescue Dende from Frieza, find Cargo, get the Two-Star Dragon Ball from Maima and Tsumuri, become the Six-Star Dragon Ball from the cave, defeat Cui, defeat Dodoria. Enemies: Banan, Appule, Ramon, Saibamen, Kopīmen.
- "World - Goku's grooming" – Objective: Articulate five gravity trainings.
- "Rex Kai'southward planet - Piccolo's training" – Goal: Articulate the training.
- "Planet Namek - The original Elderberry" – Objectives: meet Grand Elder Guru, defeat Zarbon. Enemies: Appule, Ramon, Beach, Grep, Gorin, Gorman, Tennenmen.
- "Earth - Goku's training" – Objective: Articulate v gravity trainings.
- "Planet Namek - Showdown! The Ginyu Special Squadron!" – Objectives: defeat the Ginyu Strength, retrieve the Dragon Balls. Enemies: Orlen, Beach, Gorin, Strob, Gorman, Aprico, Aboga.
- "Planet Namek - Nail vs. Frieza" – Objective: Command Blast and battle Frieza.
- "Planet Namek - Freeza the Planet Destroyer" – Objectives: find Frieza, fuse Piccolo and Nail, fight until Frieza'southward transformation. Enemies: Appule, Embankment, Gorin, Strob, Aprico, Aboga, Mandarin, Zella, Earth, Marigan.
- "Planet Namek - Battle Freeza" – Goal: defeat Frieza. Enemies: Gorin, Aprico, Zella, Earth, Zofuto, Moose, Jean, Miruga, Rakuto.
- "Super Vegeta" – Bonus chapter unlocked if Goku turns into a Super Saiyan during the boxing against Frieza and if Vegeta did non die.
- When a Saiyan reaches less than 5 HP, using a full heal item on him (like a card of Kami) will result in him receiving Saiyan Power and raise his level past 1. This tin be used early against Raditz, to boost Goku'southward level extremely high.
- There is a glitch related to the Zenkai: if a histrion chooses to level Dende to level 3 (9999 exp earned twice), Dende can heal a character as well. Should he heal a Saiyan that is at 5 HP or below, the Saiyan receives the Zenkai, but not the level upwardly. This allows sure characters such every bit Gohan or Vegeta to be additional to college-than-usual ability levels. Using the Moon Carte on Gohan, nevertheless, restores his power level to the level it should exist. This exploit is particularly useful at level 47, since it grants the huge ability bound level 48 would commonly grant, merely without really getting to level 48 - meaning the bodily level up will provide another boost of the same magnitude again. This can be repeated every bit many times every bit it is possible to deplete the Saiyans' health to v or lower, with the only caveat beingness that it cannot be used while they have accomplished their terminal levels, since the boost is the same as what the side by side level would take given.
- If the above glitch is used, and the Moon Card is used on Gohan while using a Kaio or Guru bill of fare, Gohan'southward power level will read either gibberish, or curl over down to a ridiculous depression ability level of 4-5 digits. This is a permanent state, so if this happens during the Frieza or SSJ Vegeta battles, Gohan is rendered useless.
- Piccolo tin be feel grinded to level 47 upon his return to Namek - the same level he would have achieved immediately by fusing with Nail - obtaining the same powerlevel. The advantage of this is that he tin then join the fight against first form Frieza right away, while otherwise the kickoff form fight needs to exist fought without his help. The disadvantage of foregoing the Boom fusion is that grinding Piccolo to level 47 takes by far the most experience out of any character to get to their final level, and due to a possible glitch the subsequent fusion with Tsumuri, Maima and Dende will neglect to get Piccolo to level 48 if he hadn't previously fused with Nail. For that reason fusing with Nail is always recommended.
- If, withal, for some reason the player chooses to not fuse with Blast, information technology is enough to become Piccolo to level 43, where his ability level already surpasses a 1000000. With every adjacent level including the power increases are by this point marginal percentage-wise (catastrophe with 1,017,000 at level 47), so a lot of fourth dimension can be saved by foregoing grinding for the final levels.
- Black Saibamen have an ability to copy a player's character. This is accompanied past an extreme ability boost. Black Saibamen also copy Raditz if the player decides to become directly after Raditz and into the cave, as well equally copy Frieza. Both fights are tough, just the post-obit fight proves to be much tougher.
- Based on Goku's performance on King Kai's Planet, he can return earlier, during, or afterward the battle with Nappa. Goku can return earlier the boxing with Nappa if Piccolo kills Raditz with any attack other than the Makankosappo (Goku takes harm from these attacks, but you can withal heal him at the commencement of each turn) and if Goku never messes upward on King Kai'due south.
- Yamcha, Chiaotzu, and Tien (or any Z Fighters other than Piccolo) practice not have to die against Nappa if Goku instantly returns as the best outcome. If they exercise not die, they accompany Gohan to Namek. They likewise receive the Guru power-up if they reach Guru. If they all die, they render with Piccolo to Namek at the end of the game.
- If the above scenario occurs and the Z Fighters receive the power-up from Guru, the player can exploit the existence of a "hidden" maximum level (48) to give each character incredible boosts in boxing ability. By waiting until the characters are within iii levels of the maximum level (lvl 48) to receive the power heave from Guru, each of the Z fighters (including Gohan) tin obtain a battle power anywhere from around 800,000 to close to 1,000,000, with Gohan receiving the largest boost. Level 48 is achievable usually as well, but requires huge amounts of experience grinding. Goku, Vegeta and Piccolo cannot reach this level by grinding - Piccolo tin simply achieve that level past fusing with Tsumuri and Maima (while having previously fused with Nail), while for Goku and Vegeta it represents their Super Saiyan forms.
- Another variation is Goku's arrival on Namek, Gohan, Krillin, any survivors from the battle against Nappa, and Vegeta all have to fight the Ginyu force on their own, with Goku's transport but arriving afterward Ginyu and Jeice (or Burter) are left.
- Even though under a role player'southward command, Vegeta will notwithstanding constantly ignore commands and attack out of turn. However, every bit an reward, he will pursue any fleeing opponent and kill them. Vegeta can also exist given depression speed cards and attack first. Also, he may randomly use another assault or fifty-fifty a ki attack (fifty-fifty ki attacks that cannot be selected while controlling Vegeta, like the Final Crash).
- Ki attacks like Vegeta'due south Concluding Crash mentioned above, or Piccolo's Explosive Demon Wave are non normally selectable from the ki attacks carte du jour, simply are automatically executed when "Energy Beam" is chosen, and the card has either seven stars or Z for its assail stat. The advantage of these attacks is that they take comparable power to some more powerful energy beams, still only cost 4 ki to execute, similar a unmarried generic energy beam. Multiple characters and bosses have their own versions of such avant-garde energy attacks, and characters who don't simply fire off 4 regular beams with 7/Z criminal offense cards.
- Helm Ginyu can perform the Body Modify. If this happens, the only way to get Goku's body back is either to perform another switch using a Namekian Frog, or to quickly beat Ginyu before Vegeta randomly kills Goku'southward body. Every bit Ginyu, the thespian can exchange forms with whatever enemy, including Frieza. This effect only lasts until the stop of the fight.
- If y'all tin can go along Frieza busy long enough with Blast, you can get an extra wish from Porunga, either his particular card, which grants y'all three dissimilar wishes mid-battle, or a Moon card.
- There are hidden characters in class of Golden Nifty Ape, Gilt Cracking Ape Vegeta and Super Saiyan Gohan, but when used they are but a pallete swaps of these characters.[one]
- In an Apr 1993 issue of "the Diehard GameFan" magazine, the reviewer said to the readers to hope for a U.s. release of this game.[2]
Title Screen Goku with Gohan Raditz arrives Goku's status at the beginning Goku at Kame House Roshi's island Kyuukonman Bulma Farmer A Farmer and his son Mr. Popo Fake Raditz Piccolo attacks Kopīman Raditz Training Firm Boxing training Fortuneteller Baba Goku and Piccolo vs Raditz Puar Oolong Yajirobe Saibaman Saibamen Nappa Vegeta Gohan vs Piccolo Namekian Store Kiai enhancement Appule, three Saibamen, Appule Rejuvenation Tank Cui Tsumuri and Maima Frieza with Dodoria and Zarbon Dodoria attacks Gohan Dodoria destroys the group's ship Dodoria Nappa and Raditz on King Kai's planet Grep, Appule, Appule, Grep Guru's house One thousand Elder Guru Capsule Corporation's transport first floor Sheathing Corporation's transport second floor Goku using the Gravity Car Recoome arrives The Ginyu Force Recoome and Guldo Jeice and Burter Fake Frieza Frieza follows Nail Nail vs Frieza Gorman, Kopīman x3, Gorman Yamcha charges a Spirit Ball against a Kopīman Gorin, Zella, Earth, Zella, Gorin Piccolo kicks Zella Globe, Zella, Miruga, Banira, Marigan Frieza Frieza in his first form vs. Chiaotzu Frieza powers up Frieza transforms 2nd Class Frieza Piccolo fuses with Nail Muriga and Rakuto Rakuto, Purin x3, Rakuto Earth, Zella, Miruga, Banira, Marigan Frieza transforms 3rd Class Frieza Piccolo fuses with Maima, Tsumuri, and Dende 3rd Form Frieza Frieza powers up Terminal Grade Frieza Goku confronts Frieza Final Form Frieza Goku transorms into a Super Saiyan Super Saiyan Goku Frieza at 100% of his power Vegeta confronts Goku and Gohan Vegeta transforms into a Super Saiyan Super Saiyan Vegeta Game Over screen showing Vegeta in space |
Goku Super Saiyan Goku Gohan Krillin Yamcha Tien Shinhan Chiaotzu Piccolo Maima Tsumuri Boom King Kai Raditz Nappa Vegeta Cui Dodoria Zarbon Monster Grade Zarbon Guldo Recoome Burter Jeice Helm Ginyu Frieza (1st Form) Frieza (2nd Course) Frieza (3rd Form) Frieza (Final Course) Super Saiyan Vegeta Dende/Cargo Saibaman, Caiwareman, Kyuukonman, Kopīman, Tennenman, Jinkouman Banan and Grep Appule, Ramon, Orlen Gorin Strob Gorin and Strob Gorman and Aprico Aboga and Standard mandarin Zella Purin Zella and Purin Globe and Zofuto Marigan and Jean Moose and Banira Miruga and Rakuto |
Earth, Spinach Wastes surface area Within a cave on Earth King Kai's planet Earth, Gizard Wasteland surface area Namek, Moori'south village area Namek, Guru's place area Namek, Frieza'south spaceship area Namek, Guru'due south identify area bis Namek, Frieza's spaceship area bis |
External links
- Dragon Ball Z: Fable of the Super Saiyan at (English)
- Dragon Ball Z: Legend of the Super Saiyan at (Japanese)
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Dragon Ball video games | |||||||
Action-take a chance games | |||||||
Origins series | Origins • 2 | ||||||
Super Gokuden series | Super Gokuden: Totsugeki-Hen • Super Gokuden: Kakusei-Hen | ||||||
The Legacy of Goku series | The Legacy of Goku • II • Buu'southward Fury | ||||||
Other | Dragon Daihikyou • Shenron no Nazo • Avant-garde Hazard • Sagas • Revenge of King Piccolo • GT: Transformation • The Breakers | ||||||
Role-playing games | |||||||
Gokuden series | Daimaō Fukkatsu • three: Gokuden (Dragon Ball) • Kyōshū! Saiyan • Two: Gekishin Freeza • Super Saiya Densetsu • Three: Ressen Jinzōningen • Side Story: Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans | ||||||
Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans series | True Programme to Eradicate the Saiyans - Earth Saga • True Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans - Space Saga | ||||||
Other | Goku Hishōden • Goku Gekitōden • Legendary Super Warriors • Collectible Card Game • Harukanaru Densetsu • Attack of the Saiyans • Dragon Ball Online • Dragon Ball RPG • Dokkan Boxing • Fusions • Kakarot | ||||||
Fighting games | |||||||
DBZ Arcade serial | Dragon Ball Z • 5.R.V.S. • DBZ two: Super Battle • Zenkai Boxing | ||||||
Butōden serial | Super Butōden • two • Buyū Retsuden • Super Butōden 3 • Ultimate Battle 22 • Shin Butōden • Hyper Dimension • Final Tour • Ultimate Butōden • Farthermost Butōden | ||||||
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Budokai series | Budokai (HD) • 2 (2V) • 3 (HD) • Shin Budokai • Shin Budokai: Another Road • Burst Limit • Infinite World • Evolution | ||||||
Budokai Tenkaichi series | Budokai Tenkaichi • 2 • 3 • Raging Blast • Tenkaichi Tag Team • Raging Blast 2 • Ultimate Tenkaichi • For Kinect | ||||||
Xenoverse serial | Xenoverse • 2 | ||||||
Data Carddass series | Information Carddass Dragon Ball Z • 2 • Bakuretsu Touch on • Westward Bakuretsu Bear on • Dragon Battlers • Dragon Ball Heroes • Ultimate Mission • 2 • Ten • Earth Mission • IC Carddass Dragon Ball | ||||||
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